International Work Group
come together, work together, learn together, develop together
We have build an international, english speaking ICV-work group that is open to experienced controllers and consultants from all countries.
Target members: ICV members (exclusively) with at least 5 years of professional experience as controllers, and consultants, as both groups are seen as (internal) advisers in the company. Controllers should increasingly work as internal consultants in the company. This is to be professionalised in the work group.
Area of focus: Every year one company (target company) will be analysed in order to provide the target company with ideas, suggestions and proposals (but not end-to-end management consultancy) for modern management in all areas of the company.
Here you can download our actual booklet, containing all aspects of our international work group:
2025 - Construction is our job: Zbych-Pol & Mobet
Nearly 10 years of working for European companies - what a success!
And in 2025 we are again in rapidly growing Poland: Zbych-Pol&Mobet is our partner for 2025. "Zbych-Pol&Mobet is building the future", what a great combination with our international work group!
Zbych-Pol & Mobet is a manufacturer of building materials, a family company with many awards for innovative solutions...

The dates we are in Mogilno, a small town close to Poznan and Bydgosz in west Poland:
2025, April 25th and 26th.
September 27th (somewhere in Europe, only ICV-members) and
November 28th and 29th.
If you are interested to attend, please contact our work group leaders Axel Ehberger ( or Mariusz Rzeźnikiewicz (
2024: Slovenia was awaiting us - Schwarzmann has been our partner
In 2024 we have been working with and for Schwarzmann in Slovenia, a company producing halls.
Schwarzmann was nominated in 2019 for the Slovenian Gazelle award, ranking among the three fastest growing companies in the Central Slovenia -
great task for us! And there we have been:
Boštjan Bevec, schwarzmann CEO was very satisfied with the whole process:
"I didn’t initially realize where our journey with ICV would lead us or what we would accomplish through this project. Now, we have a fresh perspective on our current challenges and a wealth of ideas—some of which we’ve already put into action—that we will continue to implement."
Boštjan Bevec, schwarzmann CEO
2023: We are working with and for York nearby Poznan, PL
We have restarted after Corona and war in Ukraine (hopefully it will be ended soon!) with YORK in Poznan, PL. York is producing
York is a Polish manufacturer of cleaning products with more than 29 years of tradition. The headquarters and production facility are located nearby Poznan. The cleaning products are exported in more than 80 countries around the world; More information about the work at York here!"
At the end of the work season Filip Makowski, York CEO wrote: "Last week we finished a project we started in March 2023 in cooperation with controllers from ICV which was an interesting and exciting journey. It was a great occasion to exchange experiences and know-how with people representing different countries, cultures, and industries. I am sure that the implementation of the recommendations worked out by each team will bring positive results to the efficiency of our processes."
Filip Makowski, York CEO
Here you can see details about our work with and for York: Experience 2023
What have we done the last years
Our experiences in the last years:
2022 We have seen no possibility to work in 2022 with with a target company: The war in Ukraine effects too many problems, for our members as well as for the interested partners in Bosnia and Hercegovina as well as in Poland.
And for our members we will offer a break after hard times to restart in 2023...
Extremely unhappy, but also in 2021 we had not the chance to meet personally. So we started a presentation programm for our members: from us for us:
Jan 21st, 2021 1. Working with TEAMS (Dragana Mujanović)
2. Some tricks for sales sensitivity analysis in Excel (Edyta Szarska)
Feb 18th, 2021 3. Company-change: how to form a change-team and
how to start the process (Herwig Friedag)
Mar 18th, 2021 4. Tricks in training and consulting company’s owner:
How to sell trainings/services? (Valentin Usenkov)
Apr 15th, 2021 5. Inventory Replenishment Policies - How much to order and
when to minimize costs? (Luiza Arcab)
6. Working Capital Management (Anna Wieloch)
May 20th, 2021 7. Using AI (artificial intelligence) algorithm to find
potential customer (Peter Janžekovič)
8. Controlling in SME (small medium enterprises);
How to find the right information?
How to deal with a controller
(Mariusz Rzeznikiewicz)
June 17th, 2021 9. How to automate work with excel - Macros for beginners
(Borut Kadunc)
10. Sales Controlling (Jasmina Očko)
And lateron we organised a digital workshop about SCRUM. A team presented the results from October to December, with teamwork in between:
Oct. 28th, 2021 starting a three sessions workshop about SCRUM
Nov. 18th, 2021 subteams present their results
Dec. 9th, 2021 end of the three days SCRUM-workshop
See more at "experience 2021".
In corona-year 2020 all members of the international work group have taken part in one of our four teams discussing what we will have learned from this pandemie.
1. Liquidity simulation based on Monte Carlo
2. Changing the business model in Corona-time
3. Impact of new technologies on our life / work
4. How to measure CSR
See more at "experience 2020".
2019 TUSGsal, Badalona, Spain
We have worked in Badalona near Barcelona for the public transport company TUSGsal.
More information about our meetings here: Experience 2019 and there: Badalona on youtube
We worked on the following topics:
1. Clearing responsibilities
2. Improving project management
3. Winning tenders
4. Learning by "One-Page-Only" reporting for the future
Mr. Carlos Fabregas, CEO of TUSGsal asserted:
“Throughout 2019 our company TUSGSAL has carried out a collaboration with ICV (International Association of Controllers) that has given us the great opportunity to have a broad external vision focused on four main axes of the management of … our company. A vision reinforced by a large group of professionals from different countries, cultures, professions and experiences…. What has surprised us most is the effectiveness and efficiency in decision making and work performance, the simplicity of the proposed actions…In conclusion, the project itself has been a great experience that gives us value in its proposals and its subsequent implementation, but the great lesson has been an effective and efficient teamwork, united by common sense and consensus on proposals. simple but enormously useful despite distance, culture, etc..”
Carlos Fabregas, CEO of TUSGsal
2018 AutoDOC, Berlin, Germany
Our target company for 2018 has been based in Berlin: AutoDOC with units in Berlin and Szczecin, a reseller of car components. AutoDOC is a 10 years old very successful start-up, growing extremely fast, always with profits...
We had four topics for our mixed teams:
1. B2B
2. Logistics
3. Controlling
4. Purchases
In the end we have got the following conclusion:
"It was an inspiring and extremely collegial collaboration with the ICV's international working group, which resulted in numerous valuable pointers for the further development of our strategy, processes and our controlling systems."
Alexej Erdle (Executive Partner)
2017 MDM, Lubljana, Slovenia
In 2017 we have been in Slovenia: MDM d.o.o from Ljubljana Slovenia. MDM is a family business with 130 employees.
There we have discussed the following topics:
1. Ideas to change company’s culture
2. Bring awareness to the people (cleanliness, speed, working-capital, client-orientation)
3. Excellence in performance / processes
4. Cross-communication inside the company
"The purpose to connect with ICV was mainly control the departments financially, in a mathematical way. But immediately we figured out importance of traditional values, leadership, relationship and emotional intelligence - so figures became as a consequences due to a proper execution of mentioned four facts. Thank you Walter and all the ICV team."
Rok Drašler, CEO and owner
2016 LUG, Zielona Góra, Poland
In 2016 we have worked in and for LUG, a light-system company in Zielona Góra, Poland.
Also here we worked on four subjects:
1. Integration of customers needs
2. market design for 2020
3. motivational system
4. New organisation with better information / controlling
„We know: you don´t solve our problems. But you gave us a new view how to manage our company. And this is very important for us. And what is the most impoprtant: That we change our company from a executor strategy to a responsibility strategy...“ Ryszard Wtorkowski, CEO and owner
„I strongly believe that these days with ICV will have a big impact on our organisation in the future“
Eryk Wtorkowski, Managing Director
See more details: We have had great experiences there - more you can see at "experience 2016".
2015 Nomaxtrading, Piekary Śląskie, Poland
The target-company in 2015 has been Nomaxtrading from Piekary Śląskie near Katowice in Poland. Three teams, each consisting of members from different countries worked on these topics
1. European markets,
2. sales controlling and
3. management KPI´s dashboard.
The target-company Nomaxtradinghas been very satisfied with our work: "summary of our experience. We would like to say thank you to all of the ICV team as we are highly impressed with their engagement, dedication and hard work. They are wonderful, open and cheerful group of people who’s ambition leaves a strong lasting impression. The team was able to quickly ascertain our strengths and weaknesses which we hadn’t seen or didn’t want to see. Through this joint cooperation the ICV team had a very positive input on our business. Thank you one more time!"
Lukasz Janus, owner.

Interested to be target-company in 2024? Have a look:
Here you can see the presentation of our work group at ICV-leading-team conference, nov. 2016: