Experience 2019
2019 in Badalona near Barcelona - a new task

We have worked with and for a public transport company in Catalonia/Spain: TUSGsal which offers transport in Badalona and to Barcelona: Every day, TUSGsal puts about 250 buses on the road, to comply with the 40 routes offering it's services to the citizen of Barcelona, Badalona, Santa Coloma de Gramanet, Sant Adrià de Besòs, Montgat and Tiana. TUSGsal is owned by the staff!
As usual, we brougt in ideas and proposals for a better controlling as well as management hints.
Get some information about the days we passed in Badalona:
Get-to-know-meeting in Badalona, may 2019
In 2019 we spent some days in Badalona, a suburban of Barcelona. There we worked in April as well as in November for and with colleagues of TUSGsal, a local bus-transport company, serving also the city of Barcelona:
The evening before all work group members met to have a typical spanish tapas menue. We spent there some hours nevertheless being awoken quite early the next Thursday morning, having a IBCS-workshop, hold by our member Edyta Szarska and by Xavier Subirats, partner of Amsel ASSESSORS.
We learned a lot about good presentations, power point as well as graphs for indicators… - thanks to Edyta and Xavier!
The Thursday afternoon had been scheduled to visit nearby Barcelona or the beach – but the weather had been a bit fresh!
On Friday morning the ICV-participants learned to know our partners from our 2019-target company: TUSGsal. We formed four joined teams / discussing the asked topics.
Xavier Subirats explaining IBCS
TUSGsal is a special company, owned by the staff! More than 600 staff members are working as bus-drivers, in the repair shops as well as in administration.
Then we went by bus to the TUSGsal-depot nearby and started team-work with the following topics:
1. Clearing responsibilities
2. Improving project management
3. Winning tenders
4. Learning by One-page-only reporting for the future
The whole ICV work group with their catalan team members.
Friday evening followed a fine dinner at the Olympic Port of Barcelona.
Romina, Herwig and Anita
Jana and Walter
Edyta with Alex (Alejandro)
Saturday again by bus to the depot and intense team-work, followed by a presentation of the first results
Summertime is always team-time: many Skype-meetings and discussions.
Exchange meeting in Budapest (September 2019)
The ICV-colleagues met end of September in Budapest to present the actual results, to learn to know the results of the other teams, to give advices, hints etc..
The afternoon before we spent some hours to learn to know the city:
It was a hard working Saturday in the bureau of Orbico HU Orbico, the company of Romina Oreskovic
In the evening we had a hungarian dinner together
Results-workshop (November 2019), Badalona
The 4 teams started their team-work on Saturday morning in the TUSGsal depot until 4 pm, finishing their results and a final presentation.
Team 1
Team 2
Team 3
Team 4
In the evening we again drove to the Olympic Port restaurant, having this time a unforgettable dinner with lots of fun – and as usual: the Catalan-colleagues and our work group members have been sitting all mixed together. Work together unites!
On Saturday we had the final presentation:
The TUSGsal CEO and most of his directors attended and all teams introduced their results.
You can read the summary here:
After lunch we had to say goodbye to new friends. Some days later Mr. Fabregas, CEO of TUSGsal wrote his impressions about our work and the results:
“Throughout 2019 our company TUSGSAL has carried out a collaboration with ICV (International Association of Controllers) that has given us the great opportunity to have a broad external vision focused on four main axes of the management of any company, but in this personalized
case in the particularities of our company. A vision reinforced by a large group of professionals from different countries, cultures, professions and experiences.
What has surprised us most is the effectiveness and efficiency in decision making and work performance, the simplicity of the proposed actions and the consensus of the components of the different groups for proposing solutions or actions to be implemented based on objective data that allow us to learn from the past to focus on the near future and allow us to reach other horizons.
In conclusion, the project itself has been a great experience that gives us value in its proposals and its subsequent implementation, but the great lesson has been an effective and efficient teamwork, united by common sense and consensus on proposals. simple but enormously useful despite distance, culture, etc..”
We all, the ICV international work group being together to
come together,
work together,
learn together,
develop together
Anita, Jana, Dragica, Mariusz, Roger, Jasmina, Romina, Luiza,
Herwig, Jörn, Edyta, Peter, Walter, Andreas, Axel, Anna