Experience 2015

The target company for 2015 has been NOMAXtrading, a polish company for meat nets – see more at http://www.nomaxtrading.eu/ and at the really very well produced enclosed papers.
Here you can see a summary about our two meetings in Piekary Śląskie, Poland:
get to know-meeting, june 2015 in Piekary Śląskie

It has been a warm and sunny weekend when 13 participants, Controllers and Consultants from Romania, Croatia, Slovenia, Poland and Germany met in Piekary Śląskie, Silesia, in the south-west part of Poland at NOMAX trading.
Most of the participants arrived already the evening before, so they could have a typical polish meal in the Rezydencja Luxury hotel restaurant, one of the best in Silesia. The next morning some used to have a short visit to Bytom, an old diggers-town with a changeful past.
The meeting started at noon with a warm reception by Lukasz Janus, one of the (family-)owners of NOMAX trading and the personal presentation of all workgroup members
In the beginning – after– Janusz and Mateusz Rozanski (Controller), Anna Domagala (head of sales) and Alexey Galuskin (head of production) gave an introduction into the company. More than 250 employees are producing meat-nets especially for the polish markets. As market-leader in Poland with a market-share of about 80% they intend to penetrate the European Union market with their innovative products and flexible production. A walk to the production lines gave us an impression of the modern structure of this company.
Nevertheless Lukasz asked us to look at NOMAX trading with open eyes, because after so many quite successful years for people working there for more than 10 years the view to the companies chances is limited.
The Consultants and Controllers, all with at least 5 years experience in this business, had many questions, ideas for change and chances, suggested new ways of thinking.
The workgroup leader asked the NOMAX-management before to think about some questions we should help to answer. These had been:
1. How to enter German / European market of meat packagings?
2. How to establish production plant in Ukraine in regards to current geopolitical situation?
3. Sales controlling as motivation and assessment tool
4. Revision of management KPI’s dashboard
5. How to implement robust cost reduction program across the whole company?
The Controllers added:
6. Administration processes and costs – ways for renewal and reduction
7. What kind of recommendations to initiate the strategy-process?

In the evening we have been invited to a exquisite dinner in our hotel.
The next morning we started to form 3 teams, each consisting of members from different countries to work on the topics
(1) European markets,
(2) sales controlling and
(3) management KPI´s dashboard.
After a short lunch the groups presented their first ideas, results of the team-discussion and presented their intended going on for the next months work. In October 2015 we will meet again in Silesia to present and discuss the results of the international workgroups teams.
At 4 pm we left sunny Silesia with good impressions and the feeling to have got new friends following the international workgroups motto:
come together, work together, learn together, develop together
results-meeting, october 2015 in Piekary Śląskie
We all met already on thursday evening in our hotel, because next morning had a early morning start: Edyta Szarska and Herwig Friedag consecuted at 08:00 a "snuff-workshop" on strategy development and implementation.
The NOMAX-Management and all the work group-participants realised the importance of having a clear strategy and how to improve their execution. It has also been interesting to see the different approach of both groups...

After lunch the work group-team members presented their work results with discussion. Then we changed the teams and the presentations had been complemented. The topics of the groups had been:
(1) European markets,
(2) sales controlling and
(3) management KPI´s dashboard.
For all of the results had been confidential we are not able to spread the presentations to non members.
Friday evening we have been invited by NOMAX to a nice dinner with polish specialities. Afterwards there has been dancing and singing - but not too long!
Saturday morning, a bright day, the revised groups presented internally their results. And then, at 10:00 the NOMAX management had been our audience: presentation of the three topics with discussion.
The afternoon was used for discussion and preparation of next years meetings.
With many thanks to Lukasz Janus and the whole NOMAX-management for being great hosts we said good-bye and travelled home with lots of experience:
we came together, worked together, learned together and developed together