Synergies in Change: Controllers as Catalysts for Agile and Sustainable Transformation

In the ICV Live Webinar "Synergies in Change: Controllers as Catalysts for Agile and Sustainable Transformation," we delve into the pivotal role of controllers in driving strategic change. Controllers go beyond mere financial oversight to influence behaviors and corporate culture, essential for any agile transformation. By embracing the ADKAR model, controllers become instrumental in navigating through change—not just in ledger lines but in leading the shift in organizational mindset.

This session will offer insights on effective change communication, actionable activities to motivate measured change, and practical tips to harness the true value of transformation efforts, ensuring that strategic projects deliver not just outputs, but also real real, measurable organizational outcomes.

Attending this webinar equips financial professionals with the strategic insights to champion organizational resilience, turning the tides of change into gateways for innovation and long-term success.

The Speaker

Peter Dolenc
CEO and Owner
Ljubljana, Slovenia

As the Prosci Advanced Instructor and CEO of PDI Vision, Peter Dolenc is refinig complex strategies into clear, actionable plans.

His tenure at global corporations like Microsoft and Oracle, and impactful roles in the Slovenian technology sector, highlight his skill in aligning strategic visions with practical execution.