Show us your books! We look forward to your book and reading tips about sustainability and controlling

The Think Tank Quarterly with a focus on sustainability controlling
SInce 2022 the Think Tank Quarterly deals with sustainability, which the ICV Think Tank has also made the topic of the year 2022/2023.
In the issue 36 you can read about:
- Managing Climate Risks Effectively | From CFOs and controllers and their impact on the global climate crisis
- Corporate Sustainability Reporting | Regulatory developments and implications for business practice
- Insights into the CFO area | Khai Tran in a lightning interview with the ideas workshop about the future design of sustainability management
In the issue 35 you can read about:
- Sustainability controlling in transition | How external standards (can) influence sustainable corporate management!
- IT architectures for sustainability controlling | Challenges for a sustainable sustainability performance management
- ICV Controlling Excellence Award 2022 | Deutsche Post DHL Group wins with the project "Integration of sustainability goals in controlling"
Routledge Handbook of Social and Sustainable Finance
Carmen Zillmer, ICV Managing Director, recommends a book that she became aware of during the 46th Congress of Controllers in May 2022 in Munich:
The Routledge Handbook of Social and Sustainable Finance brings together an international cast of leading authorities to map out and display the voices, traditions and professional communities engaged in social finance and impact investing. With a clear societal or environmental mission, foundations, individual and group investors, as well as public bodies around the world have become increasingly eager to finance and support innovative forms of doing business.
This volume is an essential reading for academics and students of economics, banking and finance as well as for practitioners in the field as it displays current best approaches as well as future propositions for research and exploration.
A compass in the labyrinth of specifications and requirements of sustainability reporting
Reading tip from Dr. Marco Möhrer, Sustainability Controller at the Robert Bosch GmbH with a focus on EU taxonomy for sustainable finance:
Book "Corporate Sustainability: Compass for sustainability reporting"
- Authors: Dr. Jens Freiberg, Andrea Bruckner
- Publisher: Haufe / Schäffer Poeschel
- ISBN: 978-3-648-15969-9 / Bestell-Nr.: E11122
- 1. Auflage 2022
- Language: German
- Introduction
- Sustainability in the company and in corporate management
- Sustainability Reporting
- EU Action Plan: Financing Sustainable Growth
- Duty of care in the supply chain
Factor for healthy growth, competitive strength and resilience
Reading tip from Dr. Marco Möhrer, Sustainability Controller at Robert Bosch GmbH with a focus on EU taxonomy for sustainable finance:
In this book from Haufe-Verlag (in German), controllers can read about the key role that controlling plays when it comes to establishing sustainability in corporate management. It reports, among other things:
- Regulations, guidelines, standards and frameworks in sustainability at a glance
- Successfully developing and implementing sustainable corporate strategies: the success factors
- Which sustainability indicators are important as a central instrument for holistic corporate management
- Carbon Accounting and Sustainable Supply Chain Management
- How holistic ESG management helps to establish a sustainable business model
The editors are also active in the ICV. Andrea Kämmler-Burrak, Performance Management & Corporate Sustainability Expert at the management consultancy Horváth, is a member of the ICV Expert Work Group Green Controlling for Responsible Business. Prof. Dr. Andreas Klein teaches business administration at the SRH Hochschule Heidelberg with a focus on Controlling & International Accounting, is co-editor of the series "Der Controlling-Berater" and management consultant. In the ICV, Andreas Klein has been a member of the advisory board of the ICV Controlling-Wiki for many years.
Signposts, tools and derivations
Reading tip from Andrea Engelien, owner of the BESONNEN WIRTSCHAFTEN:
- What I find very good is the SDG guide for companies from the IHK (in German): SDG Guide for Small and Medium Companies – Goals for sustainable development (
- The Impact Assessment Tool is also interesting for companies: SDG Impact Assessment Tool. Here you can see the individual goals with sub-goals.
- The German Sustainability Strategy (DNS) also applies to companies. Here, the goals for Germany and thus for companies are derived from the global goals. Deutsche Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie – Weiterentwicklung 2021 (
The CO2 footprint of our digital lifestyle
Reading tip from Claudia Maron, Head of Digital & Sustainable Economy, DATEV eG:
In a blog post by senior researcher Jens Gröger, the Öko-Institut e.V. dealt with the question of how much CO2 emissions effect our digital lifestyle. In the article, Gröger goes into the corresponding consumption figures for the production and use of digital end devices, data transmission and consumption in the data centers. He concedes that due to technological advances and changed consumer habits as well as individual framework conditions (type of electricity generation), the figures can only be approximate and have also been rounded. Nevertheless, his rough calculation is astounding: "A German citizen causes CO2-equivalent emissions (CO2e) of around twelve tons per year through energy consumption, transport and consumption. A climate-friendly amount would be two tons per person on earth."
Read the complete article of the Öko-Institut here (in German)