The ICV Controlling Excellence Award: The award for exemplary, practical controlling solutions

Successful project? We offer prize money, reputation and participation in the Congress of Controllers on top!
Invitation to participate in the competition for the ICV Controlling Excellence Award 2025
Dear Sir or Madame,
As every year, we also present the Controlling Excellence Award in 2025 as part of our traditional congress in Munich, and therefore invite you to the 49th ICV Congress of Controllers on April 28/29, 2025.
Have you implemented a controlling project that you would like to present to our Jury and, if nominated, also to ours controlling community, then apply by January 31, 2025. The winning team can also expect 3,000 euros in prize money and is in good company: The winners of recent years include companies such as Deutsche Post DHL, Unitymedia, Bosch, Edeka, Covestro, RWE, ElitePartner, Lufthansa, the Otto Group, McDonald’s and the die Bundesagentur für Arbeit [Federal Employment Agency]. But don't worry: It's not the company name that counts, but what solution you develop, what you have achieved for your company as a controller or controlling team. Surprise us, inspire us, take us with your application on your journey from the idea to the destination!
Face the competition and the expert judgment of our Jury, with practitioners and professors. Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Utz Schäffer, the Jury members are Prof. Dr. Andreas Seufert, Prof. Dr. Ute Vanini, Roland Iff, Dipl. Wirt. Ing.Jens Bienik and Dr. rer. pol. Lars Grünert carefully weigh up who is entitled to own the title, prize money and, last but not least, the fame of our Award.

With this in mind, I am excited to be able to welcome you and each one from our international controlling network in April 2025.
I wish much success to all of the participants!
Prof. Dr. Heimo Losbichler
Chairman of the International Association of Controllers
Main Sponsors of the ICV Controlling Excellence Award - more: click here
Frequently asked questions
Exemplary controller work gives other controllers impetus for a concrete improvement in their controlling. Ideally, the solutions are innovative and show new ways. What is important is the practical feasibility and that the controlling has become more efficient and / or more effective as a result, and not only in the opinion of the controller, but also the manager.
Smaller companies can also be found among the winners of the Award. However, they often have their hands full keeping up with the development of controlling, which is mostly shaped by large companies. Conversely, smaller companies find it easier to implement innovative solutions in a short period of time. In other words: The ICV Controlling Excellence Award can be won by companies of any size and any industry!
The Jury must understand the solution that has been developed and be able to recognize the advantages over the status quo ante. The solution must be plausible and understandable. In the documents submitted, a certain degree of care should be recognizable and a few basic elements, for which we have also put a proposal online, should be covered. The rest is up to the applicants, but it should be short and concise.
It's not about awarding magic formulas for corporate success that can be copied exactly, but about organizational innovations that are deeply embedded in the context of the respective company. Even with knowledge of a certain process, a competitor is a long way from being able to copy it quickly.
Your application for the ICV Controlling Excellence Award
- Please note: The submitted work must not have been awarded before the ICV Controlling Excellence Award is presented. If necessary, the work can have been published in excerpts.
- Please answer the questions that is available here on the site and as a download (please submit your answers in Powerpoint or PDF format).
- Briefly present your project in a presentation (10 to 15 pages, Powerpoint)
- Please send the answers to the questions and the project presentation by e-mail or post to Carmen Zillmer, ICV Office (contact information on this page). Please announce your application by e-mail or telephone
- The deadline for entries is January 31, 2025.
- The Jury evaluates the received documents.
- In the beginning / middle March 2025 we will inform you about the status of your application
- Three nominees nominated for the ICV Controlling Excellence Award will be invited to the Congress of Controllers 2025. It takes place on April 28/29, 2025 in Munich. As a nominee, you can visit the two-day Congress of Controllers with your presentation team without paying the participation fee. You can to cover only the accommodation costs. The ICV is responsible for the catering, you are our guest
- The Award will be given on the first day of the event - Monday, April 28, 2025. The honoring of the winner is traditionally the highlight of the Congress. The winner presents their work to the audience (about 500 visitors). The lecture should take about 20-25 minutes.
- The work of the other nominees will also be mentioned in the context of the event.
- All nominees and the winners receive a certificate as well as an online badge. The winner will also receive 3.000 EUR.
Please send your complete application to ICV Office, Carmen Zillmer. She is also available to answer your questions.
Carmen Zillmer
Managing Director
Münchner Straße 8
D-82237 Wörthsee
Telefon: +49 (0) 8153 88974-38
E-Mail: c.zillmer{bei}

The Jury

Prof. Dr. Utz Schäffer holds a chair for controlling and corporate management and is director of the Institute for Management and Controlling (IMC) at WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management. At the ICV he is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. More about Utz Schäffer here.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Seufert teaches at the Ludwigshafen University of Economics and Society. There he is Director of the Business Innovation Lab. He is also Director of the Institute for Business Intelligence at the Steinbeis University in Berlin. At the ICV, he heads the BI / Big Data and Controlling expert work group. He is also responsible for XING | Ambassador controlling. More about Andreas Seufert here.

Dipl. Wirt.-Ingenieur Jens Bienik is Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of dbh Logistics IT AG and Chairman of the Advisory Board of Vollers Group GmbH. Before that he was CFO of BLG Logistics Group AG & Co.KG. More about Jens Bienik here.

Prof. Dr. Ute Vanini is Professor of Controlling and Risk Management and is the Academic Director of the Center for Languages and Intercultural Competence (ZSIK) at Kiel University of Applied Sciences. She is also a Member of the Board of Directors of the Schleswig-Holstein Investment Bank, Member of the Board of Trustees of the Schleswig-Holstein State Association for Inner Mission, reviewer for various scientific organizations and for the CARF conference of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. More about Ute Vanini here.

Roland Iff was Geberit's CFO for almost three decades. He is also a Member of the Board of Directors of VZ VermögensZentrum and a Member of the Board of Directors of Bauwerk Parkett AG. More about Roland Iff here.

Dr. rer. pol. Lars Grünert is CFO and member of the group management of TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH + Co. KG in Ditzingen. After working as a project manager at Horváth & Partner and Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, he moved to TRUMPF as Head of Controlling in 2002, where he was then Managing Director of TRUMPF Laser GmbH & Co.KG in Schramberg, CFO of SPI Lasers in Southampton, Commercial Manager of the Laser Technology/ electronics and the central areas of IT + processes and organizational development. More on Lars Grünert here.
More information on the ICV Controlling Excellence Award
Media Partners
The Head of the Jury, Prof. Dr. Utz Schäffer, in an interview by Peter Bluhm from ATVISIO Consult about the current tender (German).
Peter Bluhm is regularly on site with the Performance Manager Podcast at the ICV Congress of Controllers, where the ICV Controlling Excellence Award is presented. Speakers and award winners meet with him for interviews during the Congress days. ATVISIO, whose managing director is Peter Bluhm, is also the Main Sponsor of the Award. In the podcast he explains why.
Peter Bluhm
Managing Director ATVISIO
Main Sponsor of the ICV Controlling Excellence Award

"Take part in this competition"
"The ICV Controlling Excellence Award is without question one of the most important, if not the most important, awards in the controlling community. I would like to encourage you to take part in this competition as a company. You will find the most important information about it below.
ATVISIO has been the Main Sponsor of the Award for years – why?
Controllers are currently facing enormous challenges, especially at the moment. The demands and expectations are constantly increasing. Therefore, it is helpful to receive guidance. How have other companies managed similar tasks? What steps have they taken? What obstacles did they have to overcome and what results did they achieve? These references are crucial to continuously develop the controlling community and set new benchmarks. As a management consultancy for business intelligence, we also constantly make our contribution because we know how important excellence is for a successful business intelligence project.
Participation in the ICV Controlling Excellence Award offers your company several advantages. In addition to the reputation of this outstanding award and the project presentation on the main stage of the Congress of Controllers in Munich, there is also prize money”.
Peter Bluhm
Managing Director ATVISIO
Main Sponsor of the ICV Controlling Excellence Award
Sponsors are welcome!
The financing of the Award project is based on the financial support from our Sponsors. As a Sponsor, you have a choice. We prepared several offers. You decide.
Sponsorenbroschüre herunterladen (PDF)
You too can support the ICV Controlling Excellence Award
Would you also like to become a sponsor of our renowned Award for exemplary work in controlling? We are looking forward to it! Get in touch with the responsible contact person in the ICV Office:

Stephanie Wirth
Organization, Work Groups
Phone: +49 - (0)8153 / 88 974 -20
E-Mail: s.wirth{bei}