FAQ – Frequently asked questions to the ICV office

The membership fee for the current membership year is always charged in the period January / February. You will receive an invoice by mail.
Please inform us of any changes in your billing address by January 15 at the latest.
You have the option to transfer your individual membership to another person. Please send us a written message telling us to whom your membership should be transferred. Please attach to the message a completed and signed registration form of your successor.
Your successor can also use our online registration form. Please note only by whom the membership is taken - use an empty field without *. Or you can also send us a message to verein{bei}icv-controlling.com.
A termination of membership is always possible on 31.12 of the year. Please send your notice in writing by mail or e-mail to:
Internationaler Controller Verein eV
Münchner Str. 8
82237 Wörthsee
E-mail: verein@icv-controlling.com
Please note:
Please note that terminations that came at other ICV e-mail addresses (e.g., responses to ICV e-mailings to events) or terminations on bank transfer forms, may be overlooked and disregarded.
Terminating the individual membership (year fee 175,-€)
A individual membership is tied to a person as a member (regardless of whether the company pays the membership fee). The Office has to receive the termination for this membership for the member in writing by 31.12 of the current year .
Terminating the corporate membership (year fee 875,-€)
For a corporate membership, a company is a member of the ICV. Within the company membership up to 4 persons can be named.
If a corporate membership is terminated at 31.12., the membership of the four named persons expires on this date.
Controller Magazin and Finance
As a member, in German-speaking countries you will receive the „Controller Magazin” and the magazine „FINANCE” 6 times a year. In other countries: you choose whether you would like to register as a member with or without the subscription.
The dispatch takes place usually always at the beginning of the month in January, March, May, July, September, November.
However, the address data for the dispatch will be forwarded to the publishers 2-3 weeks before the dispatch date.
A missing magazine delivery can be due to the following factors:
- Your data have changed, and you have not notified us in time before the last dispatch (at least four weeks before the next dispatch date).
- Your forwarding order does not explicitly include the forwarding of magazines (this must be specified separately in the forwarding order).
The ICV is not responsible for the non-delivery of magazines, if the above two options apply.
FRANKFURT BUSINESS MEDIA GmbH - publisher of FINANCE magazine - provides ICV members in Germany with the latest issues of FINANCE magazine as a voluntary offer.
Unfortunately, for economic considerations on the part of the publisher, delivery to other countries had to be stopped.
HINWEIS: Dies ist ein separater Login (Der Zugriff auf das digitale Controller Magazin erfolgt über den Haufe-Verlag und nicht über das ICV Mitgliederportal).
Als ICV-Mitglied haben Sie die Möglichkeit das Controller Magazin in der pdf-Online-Version zu lesen und seit 2022 auch digital in der Controller Magazin App.
Wenn Sie den PDF-Online/App Zugang möchten:
1. Bitte melden Sie sich zur Freischaltung zuerst bei der ICV-Geschäftsstelle (verein{bei}icv-controlling.com oder 08153 – 88 974-20)
1a. Sie haben dadurch auf Wunsch die Möglichkeit, Ihre Printversion in der ICV-Geschäftsstelle abzumelden
2. Sie erhalten in einer separaten E-Mail direkt vom Haufe-Verlag Ihren Zugangslink zur Registrierung.
3. Herunterladen der App (https://www.haufe.de/controlling/controllerpraxis/controller-magazin_112_557848.html)
4. PDF-Online Zugang über Ihren Webbrowser:
Bitte loggen Sie sich auf der Webseite von Haufe mit Ihren Zugangsdaten ein:
Das digitale Archiv des Controller Magazins, mit Downloadmöglichkeit aller Magazine im PDF Format finden Sie hier.
Detaillierte Informationen erhalten Sie auch auf unserer Seite Controller Magazin.
ICV Memberportal
After admission as a member of the Association, every member receives an e-mail with the access data for the ICV member portal "VereinOnline": https://www.vereinonline.org/Int_Controller_Verein_eV/
If you no longer have your login data, please contact the ICV Office. We will be happy to send you your access data. Tel: +49 8153 88974 20 or e-mail: verein{bei}icv-controlling.com
In the Member Portal (for members only - (https://www.vereinonline.org/Int_Controller_Verein_eV) the following data are published:
- Form of address
- Title
- First and Last Name
However, you have the option of sharing further data for publication in the Member Portal under "My Profile".
You can object this entry at any time by sending an e-mail with your revocation to widerruf{bei}icv-controlling.com.
In the new ICV Member Portal (https://www.vereinonline.org/Int_Controller_Verein_eV) you can search for other members under the heading "Members". You will see the data that the member released for viewing.
You can reset the password yourself under the following link: https://www.vereinonline.org/Int_Controller_Verein_eV/?action=start_passwortvergessen
If you have any problems or questions, please contact the Office (verein{bei}icv-controlling.com or phone: +49 8153 88 974 20).
Please contact the ICV Office: verein{bei}icv-controlling.com or by phone on +49 8153 88974 20.
We will be happy to activate your account again and, if necessary, send you a new password.
Here you get directly to the FAQs of the software of the ICV Member Portal:
If you have any questions, the ICV Office will be happy to help you.
Contact and billing information
Your member number is stated on every membership fee invoice.
You can also find your membership number in the ICV Member Portal (https://www.vereinonline.org/Int_Controller_Verein_eV) under "My Profile" / Edit Profile / Main Data.
The contact details can be changed via the ICV Member Portal: https://www.vereinonline.org/Int_Controller_Verein_eV/
Please use your e-mail address and password to log in to the Member Portal. If you no longer have your access data to hand, the ICV Office will be happy to help you.
Tel: +49 8153 88974-20, verein{bei}icv-controlling.com
You can change your billing address yourself in the ICV Member Portal:
Information for the ICV Officials
For your administrative work on behalf of the ICV, we will provide you with an ICV e-mail account with your own e-mail address and access to Microsoft TEAMS. Please contact the ICV Office so that we can set up your account together.
Contact: Stephanie Wirth
Tel: +49 8153 88974 32