Student surveys: Your expertise is needed here!

Students can place their surveys here. The ICV and you as a participant support the next generation in controlling with your expertise. We would like to thank you on behalf of the students.

Current surveys

Current Use of Artificial Intelligence in Controlling in Corporate Practice

Interviewpartner gesucht

Since the use of AI in controlling has been written about in theory for many years, the interview aims to shed light on the practical side.

  • To what extent are companies actually already using AI in controlling?
  • What systems/technical solutions are used?
  • How will the topic of AI in controlling develop in the future?

Master thesis by Simon Schuhmacher on the influence of artificial intelligence on corporate controlling and related sub-areas, International Management, Worms University of Applied Sciences


Implementation of Debiasing Measures in Controlling in Companies

Interviewpartner gesucht

  • The aim is to find out how debiasing measures could be implemented in controlling, what barriers one might encounter and what approaches are available to deal with these barriers
  • Time required: approx. 45 minutes
  • Bachelor's thesis Annina Sophia Dönges, Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, Schellingstraße 24, 70174 Stuttgart
  • Course of study: Bachelor of Business Psychology
  • Interview via Zoom
  • Interviews possible between October 10, 2024 and November 1, 2025
  • Please send inquiries or questions to anninadoenges@yahoo

Closed surveys

Opportunities for companies through the integration of Green Controlling

Bachelor thesis by Michael Chmelar, Munich University of Applied Sciences

Acceptance of Business Intelligence & Analytics in large construction companies in Austria

Survey by Oliver Höglinger, student at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Steyr

Use of machine learning methods in controlling

Survey by Olga Sagradov, Doctoral Thesis, Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus-Senftenberg

Controlling in times of crisis - strategic approaches

Survey by Fabio Andriaccio, bachelor thesis University of Munich