Controlling in Krisenzeiten
The focus of the Think Tank in 2019 and 2020: Controlling in times of crisis
The guide shows how controlling can make a decisive contribution to keeping companies on course in situations that threaten their existence. In addition to the systematic approaches, the practical examples from TRUMPF, Kärcher and Siemens provide valuable impetus.
If companies get into a crisis or even a situation that threatens their existence, it is the task of controlling to stabilize it with its instruments and get it back on track. The associated tasks, instruments and processes can be described using a phase model
- starting with crisis identification and prevention
- through short-term survival and stabilization
- to realignment and a potential reboot.
The aim of this guide is to support controllers and managers in selecting suitable tools. To this end, it answers the following questions
- What is a crisis and how does it work? Classification and four-phase model
- How can crises be avoided? Organize crisis prediction and prevention in good time
- How to overcome crises? Toolbox for improving earnings and liquidity
- How does it really work? Practical examples from Kärcher, TRUMPF and Siemens
This combination of basic knowledge and individual experience reports facilitates the transfer to the requirements in your own company.
We are pleased to offer you the Quarterlies on the subject for free download:

Issue 30 | Theme: Controlling in times of crisis
Download: [German] | [English]
In the issue:
- Are we well prepared for the next hardship? Risk management in the corona crisis
- Methods and tools in risk management - the goal with the right tools
- Focus on scenario analysis - get from the data to the measures