3 questions to Angela Saloch

1. “An essential part of the requirements and the solution approaches is still unclear at the beginning,” is one of the main explanatory sentences about SCRUM. From your experience, how well can controllers work with such conditions - a large range of uncertainties?

Saloch: It is true that the path is often still unclear, but the goal should not be. Topics of changing organization and the short-term reaction to changes have already reached the job of controller. However, Scrum provides guidance because it is clear what needs to be done in the next sprint. In the case of ad-hoc topics, the prioritization (is the topic so important that it should be included in the current sprint?) as well as content and output (clarification of task and goal) are coordinated with the requester, so that more rather than less clarity arises at this point.

2. How important for modern controllers is to be a teamplayer?a

Saloch: Team players excel e.g. through compromise, reliability, respectful interaction and pragmatism, but also represent their opinion. In the controlling team, they have to bring their results together in such a way that the basis for decisions is as short and clear as possible, only then they together will achieve the best possible result. This has always been important, but in a time of quick decisions, this requirement has increased significantly.

3. Can you name an important success factor for acceptance and enthusiasm in the team?

Saloch: Of course, mentioning vone fact is difficult, but it is very important to take suggestions from the team seriously and to allow them to try things out and make mistakes. As a manager, you should of course be convinced of what you are doing, you should stay on the topic and always encourage the team. If the first successes come and there is recognition from outside, this naturally makes everyone proud and welds together.