Welcome to the 4th CCS in the Metaverse from November 12 to 14, 2024: AI in controlling - are you ready? (IN GERMAN)

Daily schedule for the digital week (in German)

Speakers at the 4th CCS

Among others:

  • Florian Ponnath, former Head of Digilab for Finance, Siemens Healthineers
  • Gina Heller-Herold, Founder, Risk management and sustainability expert, beku Consult
  • Fabian Heidenstecker, Senior Manager for Solutions, Opitz Consulting
  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Seufert, Director of the Business Innovation Lab, Hochschule Ludwigshafen
  • Tizian Weber, Expert in the area of Qlik View and Qlik Sense
  • Theresa Rauh, Consultant, H&Z digital
  • Dr. Roland Deinzer, Head of Corporate Development, Strategic Controlling and Risk Management, Federal Employment Agencyt
  • Ramona Greiner, Digital Analytics & Data Ehtics Consultant, FELD M GmbH
  • Matthias Böck, Data Scientist, FELD M GmbH
  • Jan Witte, Senior Business Consultant, Bluetree Consulting
  • Matthias Seiller, KI Expert and Data Scientist, DATEV
  • Prof. Dr. Roland Zimmermann, Professor at the TU OHM Nürnberg
  • Patrick Link, Program Coordinator,  MSE BEP, Hochschule Luzern
  • Jens Gräf, Horváth & Partner
  • Maximilian Radlmair, Horváth & Partner
  • Nikolaos Vartzas, DATEV
  • Prof. Dr. Patrick Stein, IU Berlin
  • Christian Schieber, glomee


Among others:

  • AI/GPT and corporate strategy
  • Fiction. Lesson. Action. Traction - How to become an AI hero in 12 steps
  • World Café - Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) and its impact on finance & controlling
  • How AI is revolutionizing management reporting GenAI for automated reporting
  • GenAI for automated reporting
  • From bytes to meaning: A look behind the scenes of modern AI
  • AI & Sustainability: How can we use AI for sustainability?
  • Rethink Data Driven Decision - Why we need completely new analytical skills for controlling
  • Promptathon for Controlling & Finance
  • How generative AI is shaping our future
  • Artificial intelligence in value-oriented corporate management
  • AI in recruiting - the future skills for controllers

Conditions and registration

3 days/3 participants: 750,00 euros

3 days: 300,00 euros
1 day: 150,00 euros

3 days/3 participants: 950,00 euros

3 days: 400,00 euros
1 day: 200,00 euros

3 days: 50,00 euros

  • The participation fee is tax free according to Section 4, Item 22 (German) UStG.
  • Cancellation is free of charge up to 4 weeks before the start of the conference; after that, 50% of the participation fee must be paid.
  • In case of non-appearance, the full fee is due.

Get a taste of the event in good time before the event

On November 11, the icvIspaces will be open to registered participants so that you can familiarize yourself with the environment and the possibilities in the Metaverse before the event.


Please register with the e-mail address you will use to participate in the 4th CCS 2024.

You will receive the personalized online access link to the Metaverse world in the first week of October 2024 to your e-mail address - according to registration.

  • Logo with link on the CCS landing page
  • 1 participation ticket for the CCS

CCS Value Partner Price: 500.00 euros plus VAT.

  • Virtual exhibition stand as a meeting point
  • Logo with link on the CCS landing page
  • 2 participation tickets for the CCS

CCS Value Partner Price: 1,000.00 euros plus VAT.

  • Practical presentation, together with a customer company
  • Virtual exhibition stand as a meeting point
  • Logo with link on the CCS landing page
  • 3 participation tickets for the CCS

CCS Value Partner Price: 2,000.00 euros plus VAT.

  • Pitch
  • Deep Dive (IT tools meets practice)
  • Value Connect
  • Practical presentation, together with a customer company
  • Virtual exhibition stand as a meeting point
  • Logo with link on the CCS landing page
  • 4 participation tickets for the CCS

CCS Value Partner Price: 3,000.00 euros plus VAT.

Value Partner Broschüre (PDF download, German)

The 4-step model for Value Partnering

As a CCS Value Partner, you can showcase your skills in the innovative framework of our icvIspaces. You decide in what form and to what extent you want to draw attention to yourself. Our offer for you:


🔹 Meeting point: Central meeting point for discussions and networking.
🔹 Value Connect: Speed ​​dating format in which you, as a Value Partner, present practical consulting and IT solutions.
🔹 Opening Pitch: As a Value Partner, you are part of the opening.  
🔹 Deep Dive: As a Value Partner, you present your suitable IT tools/solutions within a session.
🔹 Practical speech: Together with a partner or customer company, you report on an AI controlling use case.

Your contact for Value Partnering is Carmen Zillmer, c.zillmer{bei}icv-controlling.com

Value Partners of the 4th CCS 2024

Controlling Competence Spaces: Wertvoll auch für Value Partner

Contact persons for the CCS

Claudia Maron

ICV Board Member
e-mail: claudia.maron{bei}datev.de

Christian Bramkamp

Delegate for the ICV Expert Work Groups
e-mail: c.bramkamp{bei}icv-controlling.com

Gabriele Heller

Delegate ICV Germany South
e-mail: heller{bei}heller-consulting.net

Carmen Zillmer

Managing Director
Tel.: +49 - (0)8153 / 88 974 -20 
e-mail: c.zillmer@icv-controlling.com

Prof. Dr. Björn Baltzer

Technical University of Applied Sciences Wuerzburg-Schweinfurt

Auf LinkedIn

Jasmin Engel

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management 

On LinkedIn

Sophie Dähn

Encavis AG, Hamburg
On LinkedIn

Hilal Öntürk

Mater Student at DATEV 
e-mail: Hilal.Oentuerk{bei}datev.de

Miriam Schönrock

Brigitte Dienstl-Arnegger

ICV Web Editor

On LinkedIn​​​​​​​