Wirtschaftszeitung WZ Forum
The fourth edition of the Wirtschaftszeitung Forum (a digital event) is planned for March 25, 2021 at 6.30 p.m.
Free registrations by e-mail to the host "Wirtschaftszeitung" from the Mittelbayerischer Verlag: forum{bei}die-wirtschaftszeitung.de
On March 16, 2017, the successful premiere of the Wirtschaftszeitung Forum Controlling 4.0 took place in Regensburg.
Around 140 guests at the publisher building of the "Mittelbayerische Zeitung" in Regensburg watched the forum "Controlling 4.0 - Digital Controlling in times of increasingly networked companies" with great attention and obvious interest. The preparation of the premiere with a special supplement of the paper, the successful event and the positive feedback of the participants ensured the highest satisfaction of the organizers, the Medienhaus Regensburg in cooperation with the International Association of Controllers (ICV). For the ICV engaged were especially Christian Kaiser, the controller at the co-organizer Medienhaus and the head of the still very young work group Oberpfalz as well as Prof. Dr. Uwe Seidel, Head of the ICV work group Süd I and the ICV regional delegate Deutschland Süd, Rainer Linse.
The guests - controlling experts, managers as well as entrepreneurs from the region of Mittelbayern and Upper Palatinate - were first introduced to the "role of the controller as a navigator through digitization" with two impulse lectures from the VIPs. On this basis they discussed and networked very enthusiastically.
Dr. Nicolas Maier-Scheubeck, Managing Director of Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH, also provided detailed insights into the "decision-making support in times of digital transformation" in his company's controlling department. Siegfried Gänßlen, Chairman of the ICV Board, talked on the topic "Controlling.com - what is hype, what is reality?". His clear message: "Digitization is a chance for the controllers!" - with many huge challenges. With digitization, the company's management is increasingly automated and streamlined. The core of the controller activity changes from proactive-analytical to proactive-prognostic, and the controller role changes from the system user to the system designer.
Please note
Pictures will be taken during the event. By registering, you agree to the use and publication of such recordings for the purpose of public documentation of the event and work of the ICV, e.g. on the website and the ICV channels in the social media or in other publications of the ICV.
Please inform the photographer directly if you do not want to pictures of yourself.
Interesting article on Controlling 4.0: an interview with the ICV Chairman and WZ Forum speaker Siegfried Gänßlen. You can download it here:
![[Translate to English:] Interview mit Siegfried Gänßlen in der WZ](/fileadmin/_processed_/5/d/csm_Bildschirmfoto_2017-03-20_um_23.24.30_502debd7ef.png)
![[Translate to English:] Interview mit Siegfried Gänßlen in der WZ](/fileadmin/_processed_/5/d/csm_Bildschirmfoto_2017-03-20_um_23.24.30_502debd7ef.png)
![[Translate to English:] Themenbeilage zum WZ Forum März 2017](/fileadmin/_processed_/7/d/csm_Bildschirmfoto_2017-03-20_um_23.13.57_1dd9240d84.png)
You can download the 10-pages supplement for the Forum 2017 - "Controlling 4.0":
Strategic Sustainability Management at the Flughafen München GmbH
Dr. Monika Streck
Head of the Strategic Sustainability Management
Flughafen München GmbH
Vera Stelkens
Deputy Head of the Expert Work Group Green Controlling
The supplement GREEN CONTROLLING of the Wirtschaftszeitung 2018

For the Wirtschaftszeitung Forum 2018 read the interview with Dr. Monika Streck and Vera Stelkens on the topic Green Controlling:
Sustainable Transformation and the Future of Work in Controlling at Audi
Dr. Martin Jochen
Head of Controlling
Areas Brand Audi
The topic supplement FUTURE OF WORK of the Wirtschaftszeitung 2019
The topic supplement "Full steam ahead" of the Wirtschaftszeitung 2020

Congresszeitung_2020.pdf [2 MB