Sustainability, CSRD and key figures for measuring sustainability
In the ICV Live Webinar, the definition of sustainability is explained in an introduction and, based on this, ESG (Environmental Social Governance) and the current regulatory requirements through CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) are classified.
The most important key figures for measuring the sustainability of a company (e.g. for measuring financial sustainability) and the challenges in assessing sustainability aspects and sustainability risks in accordance with CSRD are explained. Current studies on problems of CSRD implementation are presented.
Particular attention will be paid to the measurement concept for materiality, which is located at the interface between sustainability management, controlling and risk management.

Prof. Dr. Werner Gleißner
- Diploma in Industrial Engineering (Corporate Planning)
- Doctorate in economics (monetary and economic policy), 1997
- Managing Director WIMA GmbH (from 1990)
- Managing Partner RMCE RiskCon GmbH (2000-2008)
- Head of Risk Research / Senior Vice President Marsh (2008-2011)
- Board member Future Value Group (since 2000)
- Research and teaching: Technical University of Dresden, since 2014 as professor (business administration, especially risk management)
- Voluntary activities: Board of Directors of the Federal Association of Rating Analysts (BdRA) (until 2019), Board of Directors of the German Society for Crisis Management (DGfKM), Board of Directors of the European Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (EACVA)