The CAB Controlling Advantage Bonn (IN GERMAN)

We look forward to welcoming you back to the Controlling Advantage Bonn 2025.

Contact person for all aspects of the CAB Controlling Advantage Bonn


Work Group West I - Rhein-Ruhr
Alexander Großhäuser
Tel. +49 (0) 172 782169
e-mail: grosshaeuser{bei}

Work Group Westfalen
Thomas Meyer
Tel. +49 (0) 5971-405457
e-mail: ak-westfalen{bei}

Work Group Rhein-Main
Thorsten Balzer
e-mail: ThorstenBalzer_AKRheinMain_ICV{bei}

Work Group Russia - Moskow
Dr. Georg Schneider

mobile in D: +49 178 336 95 80
mobile in RF: +7 985 355 03 78
e-mail: georg.schneider@swilar.d

Delegate for the Region Germany West
Martin Schulte
e-mail: icv-west{bei}

Hartmut Ibershoff
e-mail: h.ibershoff{bei}

ICV Office
e-mail: verein{bei}

"The CAB is a must for me because I meet colleagues there with whom I can exchange ideas!"
Hartmut Ibershoff, Nordhorn
"I recommend the CAB to everyone who not only wants to stay up to date in controlling, but also appreciates thinking outside the box!"
Martin Herrmann, Neunkirchen-Seelscheid