Measure, check and optimize financial and controlling processes: Benchmarking of the ICV and SAP

Next Generation Finance Benchmarking: Join in and benefit from your personal results!
When financial and controlling organizations plan the first steps for their transformation, they are often unsure where and how to start and which processes take precedence. The International Association of Controllers (ICV) and SAP work together on the Next Generation Finance Benchmarking to help companies make these decisions.
- Participation is free.
- You do not have to be an ICV member to take part.
- The final recommendation for your future plan of action does not require the use of SAP products, either before or after the interview.
- Neither the ICV nor SAP will subsequently contact you, unless you specifically wish to.
- Your information will be kept strictly confidential, not used for advertising purposes and will not be forwarded to third parties.
Next Generation Finance Benchmarking: Machen Sie mit und profitieren Sie von Ihrem persönlichen Ergebnis!
Wenn Finanz- und Controllingorganisationen die ersten Schritte für ihre Transformation planen, sind sie häufig unsicher über die ersten Schritte und welche Prozesse Vorrang haben. Das Next Generation Finance Benchmarking von ICV und SAP unterstützt Unternehmen bei diesen Entscheidungen.
- Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei.
- Sie müssen kein ICV-Mitglied sein, um teilzunehmen.
- Die abschließende Empfehlung für Ihr weiteres Vorgehen setzt nicht die Verwendung von SAP-Produkten voraus, weder vor noch nach der Befragung.
- Weder ICV noch SAP werden Sie anschließend kontaktieren, es sei denn, Sie wünschen dies ausdrücklich.
- Ihre Angaben werden streng vertraulich behandelt, nicht für Werbezwecke verwendet und nicht an Dritte weitergeleitet.
How can the survey results with final recommendations look like - you can see here. It's of course an anonymous document. You can also download it here:
Benchmarking_Report.pdf [687 KB
Click on the link below to get your individual, free evaluation. Please note: You do not undertake any obligation for further cooperation with SAP or the ICV. Your information will be treated as strictly confidential. After clicking on the following link, you will be redirected to the SAP page.
Finance Benchmarking >>> TO THE SURVEY (ENGLISH)
Why the benchmarking campaign?
The ICV and SAP Next Generation Finance Benchmarking Campaign gives companies free decision support to transform their financial and controlling processes. In the interview (above), Vice Chairman of the ICV Matthias von Daacke, and Jürgen Daum, SAP's Chief Solution Architect / Value Engineer for Finance, presented the background, process, and objectives of the campaign. In the "How-to" online course (below), they particularly explain the procedures and details of the survey.
You would like to first find out what awaits you in the survey and how to proceed there? To the tutorial (English):
If you would like to prepare yourself for the questions or answers that we ask you as part of the Benchmarking Survey or if you have to have the questions answered elsewhere in the company, here is an overview of all the necessary information for you - as an offline MS Excel form so that you can enter the answers directly.
You can read some questions and answers about the campaign here.
This campaign is part of SAP Performance Benchmarking, a global, comprehensive benchmarking program that has attracted 11,000 companies since 2004 and conducted 15,000 benchmarking reviews. The data of the participants are treated strictly confidentially and with care.