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Wednesday, 24.02.2016 |
the International Controller Association is inviting submissions for the “Controlling – Newcomer Award”. The objectives of the award are the promotion of young academics in the field of Controlling and the transfer of innovative and practicable ideas from the university environment to the active practice of Controlling where they can be applied by a large number of professional Controllers.
The Controlling – Newcomer Award will be awarded on Saturday, November 12, 2016 at the regionale conference Controlling Innovation Berlin - CIB 2016 in Berlin. We expect award winners to present their work to a broad audience at the CIB, ideally with the support of their supervising professor. More information at ICV website.
About other ICV events you can read below. And if you haven’t read the 2015 Annual Review – it is still available on our homepage!
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Newest Quarterly of the Dream Factory |
The Team of ICV Dream Factory – ICV expert work group – is currently working on the topic of “Business Analytics”. Business analytics describes the comprehensive use of data based on mathematical and statistical analyses, together with explanatory and predictive models. In this context, the use of the word “business” underlines the fact that these analyses and models are used for business purposes to support and improve managerial decision-making. In the newest Quarterly (issue 18) recently translated into English, the experts first outline the different development phases of data analysis. Then, they show which industries are currently leading the race in the use of business analytics. Finally, they take a look at how individual functions use business analytics in their daily business.
Download Quarterly
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Only by the end of February – Please complete the questionnaire! |
How do you rate the influence of stakeholders on the ecological and social activities of your company in the next three to five years? How has the importance of the three sustainability dimensions developed in your company? These are examples of the survey prepared by the work group Green Controlling work group. Siegfried Gänßlen and Karl-Heinz Steinke in the name of the ICV Board and Dr. Sebastian Berlin and Alexander Stehle in the name of this expert work group invite you to take part in the study “Green Controlling”. We ask for your support to investigate how widespread Green Controlling currently is. The questionnaire takes about 15 minutes and is aimed at employees in Controlling or people in the company who perform controlling activities. For each completed questionnaire 1 Euro will be donated to
climate protection by the ICV.
To the survey
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Planning and managing in the time of digital transformation – Change. Impulse. Chances. |
The greatest meeting of European Controlling Community organized by the ICV takes place in 2016 on April 25-26, 2016 in Munich. In our attractive agenda you can find important and current topics, presented by top-flight speakers from well-known enterprises. On Monday afternoon in three paralell topic centres current topics will be discussed from many perspectives: Controller's Hot Topics - Open Space, Predictive / Business Analytics: Consequences for controlling / Controlling on its way from internationalization to globalization. Don’t miss the chance to meet with successful European controllers at the biggest controlling event in Europe! We also encourage you to promote the event among your colleagues!
Agenda of the Congress
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Conference Spain 2016 |
The next Conference Spain organized by the ACCID together with the ICV takes place on May 27, 2016 in Lerida. The conference takes place every two years, changing with the Catalan Congress, also in Spain. The current agenda and more information you can find in the web. Ulrich Müller-Bosom, Head of the ICV Spain, works at the Executive Committee of the Conference.
10th International Controller Conference in Warsaw |
The 10th International Controller Congress in Warsaw, Poland, will take place on May 19/20, 2016, focusing on the topic: Controlling in the time of virtual industry revolution – Change · Impulse · Chances. Among the Congress themes are: active controlling to support management of smart production, trade and services; management by objectives for Open Workforce; new role of Controller in dynamic external and internal changes and continuous improvement of controlling efficiency. The International Controller Congress is the place where many controllers, financial directors and CFOs discuss the influence of controlling and controllers as business partners on the company's success.
CA controller akademie courses in English |
The next course of the CA controller academie Qualification and Training Program in 5 Stages will start soon, on March 14th. The course is available in German and English and offers internationally working companies the chance of a consistent understanding of management accounting/controlling.
The five stage program of the CA controller akademie is a systematic and modular training program and ends in stage V with Controller’s Diploma. Each seminar can be individually booked. In this way you can plan your participation ideally according to your own schedule. The training courses on economic methods and social behaviour form at the same time a unity that makes sense. From cost centre accounting to strategic planning, from regular feedback to the facilitation of heterogeneous groups, you approach the objective of your training step by step: to develop, ensure and confirm your capability to elucidate all controlling topics and to act as a professional controller and a figure-minded manager.
Dates for courses in 2016:
Stage I: March 14th to 18th or Oct. 17th to 21st
Stage II: July 18th to 23rd
Stage III: April 18th to 22nd
Stage IV: Sept. 19th to 23rd
Stage V: June 20th to 24th or Aug. 29th to Sept. 2nd
Further information
Number of cashless payments did not grow |
According to the ECB the number of cashless payments in the Euro zone remains flat at 68 bn transactions. The difference with the previous year is bigger than in last years. Card payments that have now 40% share of all cashless payments grew by 6% yoy, e-money payments grew by 15% yoy (but have still only 3% of the market). Credit transfers and direct debits shrank by 2% and 9% yoy respectively (and have now 26% of the market each). The number of transactions was influenced by overhaul of the methodology: after some corrections, we see that the market was growing. Taking old methodology into consideration, cashless payments grew to almost 73 bn (by 7% yoy). Payment volumes in the euro area have risen every year since reporting started – including 2014 if you don’t consider statistical changes. Figures f
or 2015 will not be released before late summer this year, but further growth can be expected.
3rd International Famliy Business Congress |
After leaving the ICV board Dr. Adrianna Lewandowska focused on the work for family businesses. This year for the third time Family Business Institute that she leads in Poznan, Poland, organizes the International Family Business Congress – an event for family business owners, members of business families and managers working for family businesses. The Congress takes place on April 18/19, 2016 in Poznan, Poland (arrival possible by plane, train or bus). In the agenda of the event are e.g. Zbigniew Inglot (Chairman of the Supervisory Board of INGLOT), Solange Olszewska (Owner of Solaris Bus & Coach), Sofie Winkhaus (Managing Partner of Winkhaus GmbH & Co. KG), Izabella Walkowska (CEO of Plastwil Sp. z o.o. sp.j.) and Ryszard Wtorkowski (CEO of LUG S. A). All speeches will be translated into English.
Opening of the Digital Society Institute Berlin (DSI) |
The Digital Society Institute (DSI) at ESMT European School of Management and Technology in Berlin celebrated its inauguration on February 8. The institute’s goal is to provide reliable information and to develop cross-sector analyses on and strategies for the digital future. The DSI will focus on three main areas: digital society and strategy, digital risks and the evaluation of possible solutions, and innovation and regulation. Its first goal is to develop analytical methods, evaluation capabilities, and effective strategic plans for safe, secure, and liberal information technology in the field of cybersecurity and privacy. In the long term, expertise coming out of the DSI should support decision-making processes, innovation development, technological impact assessments, and IT market management. Supp
orters of the DSI are the global companies Allianz, BASF, EY, and Volkswagen.
Lithuania: GDP growth likely to accelerate in 2016 |
According to the brand new "Lithuania Frontier country report" of Deutsche Bank Research the food embargo and recession in Russia had influence on Lithuania market situation in 2015. Besides, the population in last decade declined by 11% due to low fertility rage (only 1.6 in 2013) and net emigration. The GDP growth was only 1,6%, but in 2016 it’s expected to grow by more than 1% yoy. What helps the situation? Higher EU-demand on providing 60% of the whole Lithuanian export and “new social model” reform package that the government proposed which will (as hoped) reverse adverse effects of demography change on the economy and public finances. Although Lithuania still remains vulnerable to external shocks, the vulnerabilities have been reduced by the euro adoption and access
to Eurozone financial resources.
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Current topics and dates from the ICV |
The schedule of topics and upcoming dates of controlling conferences and controller's meetings can be found online on the ICV website.
More about ICV EVENTS
Published by:
International Controller Association Münchner Str. 8, D-82237 Wörthsee, in cooperation with the Controller Akademie AG and the Verlag für ControllingWissen AG.
Edited by:
Anna Wlodarczyk, ICV Poland, Poznan;
Responsible editor: Hans-Peter Sander, EastWestCom, Ammersee Denkerhaus - Coworking Space, Sonnenstr. 1, D-86911 Diessen/Ammersee
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