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Monday, 08.02.2016 |
on January, 30th the Chairman of International Controllers Association (ICV), Siegfried Gänßlen, turned 70 years old.
Gänßlen is involved in ICV since 1981. At the beginning he was a member and later the leader of the working group “Südwest” (Stuttgart area) in Germany. In the year 2000 he became a member of the ICV board. Since 2007 Siegfried Gänßlen is the ICV chairman. He gained lasting merits in professionalization, internationalization of the ICV and in establishing special working groups.
We thank Siegfried Gänßlen so much and wish him ALL THE BEST!
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International Controller Association |
Carmen Zillmer new Managing Director of the ICV |
Carmen Zillmer (Dipl.-Ing. FH) since January 1 is Managing Director of the International Controller Association (ICV). She succeeds Conrad Günther who follows now a new career path at his own request. Conrad Günther managed the ICV work for more than 26 years and now he follows a new career path at his own request. As the ICV Board asked, Günther will be responsible for some tasks in the fast growing international Association – he accepted them as honorary work. Carmen Zillmer has been employed at the ICV Office since 2008 and since 2013 she was the Office Manager.
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International Controller Award on April, 25th in Munich |
On January 31st, 2016 the application time for International Controller Award with exemplary controlling solutions ended. The award will be handed over on April, 25th in Munich at the annual 41st Congress of Controllers by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Weber, chairman of the ICV board of trustees, and by Siegfried Gänßlen, ICV chairman. An exemplary controlling solution must contribute to a significant change which has been tested in practice, must affect not only the controlling department, but contribute to the success of the whole company. It has to been developed by controllers in-house and represent an innovation. So far among the winners of the Award given since 2003 are RWE AG (2015), Elite Partner (2014), Lufthansa (2013), Otto Group (2013) and others.
More about: 41st Congress of Controllers
More about: ICV’s International Controller Award
A good controller never sleeps. Controllers having a coffee. |
The 25th ICV Serbia Meeting was organized on December 16, 2015 in the DONCAFÉ factory in Šimanovci. The host was Strauss Adriatic, better known as the DONCAFÉ brand. The event was attended by 40 controllers of Serbia, with the aim of sharing their experiences relating to the challenges the companies face throughout the world as the consequence of competitor race and destabilization of major currencies. One of the speakers was Dragan Radosavljevic, CFO of the company. Dragan invited the attendants to be interactive. He had a lively presentation, pointing out the need for innovativeness. Being a controller means not only helping the management but also helping all employees while encouraging research and development. The message of the presentation was that a good controller never sleeps.
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Professional Visualization of Management Information |
ICV in Poland organized Conference „Professional Visualization of Management Information” on December 15, 2015. Over 70 participants met in Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw with Dr. Jürgen Faisst from HICHERT+FAISST, representing International Business Communication Standard Association (IBCS-A). As Dr. Faisst says, “in the context of business communication, visualization has to serve one purpose only: the conveyance of messages.” The Conference was organized to sum up work of the work groups during their autumn meetings. During panel discussion controllers representing ICV work groups showed their proposals to decision makers, representing management board members: Prof. Andrzej Jacek Blikle, famous Polish businessman and management advisor, Dr. Adrianna Lewandowska, President of Family Business Ins
titute, Dr. Elzbieta Marszalec, physics-based colour vision expert, co-working with Minolta, Xerox, Kodak and Arkadiusz Szymanek, CFO of Polish Press Agency.
Complete the questionnaire - 1 Euro will be donated to climate protection! |
Siegfried Gänßlen and Karl-Heinz Steinke in the name of the ICV Board and Dr. Sebastian Berlin and Alexander Stehle in the name of the Green Controlling work group invite controllers to take part in the study “Green Controlling”. The objective of the study is to investigate how widespread Green Controlling currently is. To do so, we kindly ask you for your support. The findings of this study will form the basis for a study report on the proliferation of Green Controlling. The questionnaire is aimed at employees in Controlling or people in the company who perform controlling activities. You will need about 15 minutes to complete it. In line with the motto of this study, 1 Euro will be donated to climate protection for each completed questionnaire.
To the survey
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Corporate Controlling - Tasks, Methods and Organization |
The International Controller Association in cooperation with the Hochschule Mainz invites you to take part in the study "Corporate Controlling - Tasks, Methods and Organization" concerning the application of Corporate Controlling in multi-business companies. It is conducted within the scope of the Corporate Controlling Association which serves as a platform for research and exchange and is establishing a network of academics and practitioners working in this field. The overall aim of this research project is to analyze the status quo of the tasks, methods and organization of Corporate Controlling and to identify the need for a centralization of Corporate Controlling in one organizational unit on the corporate / group level of multi-business companies.
High influence on European economic situation |
Deutsche Bank published Frontier Country Report on Estonia – it says that the country remain vulnerable to external shocks, both via the trade channel and the banking sector (of which 80% is Swedish). That’s why economic conditions in Sweden influence situation in Estonia so strongly. Also recession in Russia and the ban on some EU food products negatively affected Estonia’s trade: export rate to Russia declined by 16% in 2014 and 37% in January-October 2015. Although we expect total exports to recover somewhat in 2016 on higher demand from the EU, exports to Russia will likely remain subdued.
Chief strategists should coordinate their work across divisions to a greater extent |
New study by Roland Berger and the University of St.Gallen (HSG) finds that even though 94 percent of the companies have a central strategy department at corporate headquarters, it does not carry sole responsibility for formulating and implementing the company's overall strategy. 44 percent of European firms involve different departments in formulating their corporate strategy. Globally operating enterprises need to have a thorough overview of what's going on throughout the company and require input from all concerned parties if they want to be fast and flexible in reacting to new customer needs and market trends. Added to that, as Dr. Tim Zimmermann, Partner at Roland Berger, explains, "Staff are more motivated and more willing to accept the new strategy and actually put it into practice if it has
not simply been imposed from above."
Industrie 4.0 online map |
The German Federal Ministry for Economics and Energy has published an Industrie 4.0 online map. The map presents by practical examples, "where Industire 4.0 is already applied in practice in Germany". Each example is labeled with a "pin" and there is further information (in German) via mouse click. Filter functions facilitate the search among currently 208 entries. The most companies with Industrie 4.0 solution are in the area of Berlin, Munich, Stuttgart and Mannheim. Companies with seats in Germany that have used the solution of Industrie 4.0 and are not on the map may write the initiators an e-mail with a brief description of their project.
ICV Dream Car "Industrie 4.0" (engl.)
Current topics and dates from the ICV |
The schedule of topics and upcoming dates of controlling conferences and controller's meetings can be found online on the ICV website.
More about ICV EVENTS
Published by:
International Controller Association Münchner Str. 8, D-82237 Wörthsee, in cooperation with the Controller Akademie AG and the Verlag für ControllingWissen AG.
Edited by:
Anna Wlodarczyk, ICV Poland, Poznan;
Responsible editor: Hans-Peter Sander, EastWestCom, Ammersee Denkerhaus - Coworking Space, Sonnenstr. 1, D-86911 Diessen/Ammersee
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