ICV Think Tank Updates (previously: Quarterly of the ICV Think Tank)
The Think Tank regularly informs the members of the ICV about the latest developments in the field of controlling. On this page you can see / download all editions of the ICV Think Tank Updates (previously Quarterly). New releases will be announced after publication in the Controller's e-News of the ICV. For German editions, an English translation is made since 2012.

Issue 41 I Theme: Controlling in the globalized world 2.0
In the issue:
- Insights | Insights into Practice | Resilience in Controlling - Perspectives & Approaches
- Connect | Dr. Andreas Aschenbrücker, TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen SE
- Recommondations | Transforming organizations digitally and resiliently; The Resilient Enterprise

Issue 40 I Theme: Controlling in the globalized world 2.0
In the issue:
- Insights | Insights into practice | Controlling in dynamic times: forecasting ability and resilience as success factors
- Connect | Stefan Thiesbrummel
- Recommondations| Resilience in corporate management; The resilient society

Issue 39 I Theme: Controlling in the globalized world 2.0