Value-oriented controlling: Weighing up return and risk when preparing business decisions
A central task of controlling is the preparation of management decisions, especially business decisions. Business decisions have uncertain consequences. Value-based controlling provides precisely the methods needed to weigh up return and risk when preparing decisions. A key figure for the return-risk profile required for this is the company or investment value.
The ICV Live Webinar will explain in particular the methods of modern value-based controlling, which uses quantitative risk analyses and does not rely on capital market data to derive capital costs (like the first generation of value-based controlling concepts, which are based, for example, on the Capital Asset Pricing Model, CAPM).

Prof. Dr. Werner Gleißner
- Diploma in Industrial Engineering (Corporate Planning)
- Doctorate in economics (monetary and economic policy), 1997
- Managing Director WIMA GmbH (from 1990)
- Managing Partner RMCE RiskCon GmbH (2000-2008)
- Head of Risk Research / Senior Vice President Marsh (2008-2011)
- Board member Future Value Group (since 2000)
- Research and teaching: Technical University of Dresden, since 2014 as professor (business administration, especially risk management)
- Voluntary activities: Board of Directors of the Federal Association of Rating Analysts (BdRA) (until 2019), Board of Directors of the German Society for Crisis Management (DGfKM), Board of Directors of the European Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (EACVA)